We want you to love Japan more

We hope that people around the world who are interested in Japanese anime, manga, games, food, history, traditional culture, etc., and who admire Japan, will experience Japan through studying abroad and love Japan even more. We introduce Japanese language schools, vocational schools, and universities that are affiliated with our company.
We support everything from application procedures and visa applications to life consultations in Japan, so you can study in Japan with peace of mind.
Please feel free to contact us if you are considering studying in Japan.
  ☆Information on studying in Japan☞Download

Japan has rich history and culture and is known to the world as a beautiful and safe country. Our goal is to help you study in Japan and learn Japanese culture and technology to bring those into use in Japan, your home country and around the world.
I am excited to meet you all in Japan!

CEO Hatsuo Hatsusegawa


HATCH EDUCATION Ltd. is affiliated with many Japanese schools all over Japan. You can select to study abroad from the following locations: Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, Wakayama, and Hokkaido.

Japanese School Enrollment Periods

1. Spring Semester (April-)
 ・Enrollment: April
 ・School Period: 1 or 2 years
 ・Admission Period: August to October
 ・Exam Period: October to November

2. Fall Semester (October-)
 ・Enrollment: October
 ・School Period: 1 year and 6 months
 ・Admission Period: February to April
 ・Exam Period: April to May

Tuition fees for Japanese School

・1 year course: 796,000 yen
・1 and a half year course: 1,154,000 yen
・2 year course: 1,512,000 yen
  *The amount above is just one example. Tuition fees differ with schools

(Example) Breakdown and details of tuition for 1 year course
・Selection fee: 20,000 yen
・Enrollment fee: 60,000 yen (first time only)
・Tuition fee: 660,000 yen (One year)
・Supplies: 20,000 yen
・Off-campus activity fee: 20,000 yen
・Student welfare fee: 16,000 yen


1. Exam Method
 Exams will be done through online meeting services such as ZOOM, Skype etc.

2. Exam Details
 ・Japanese exam on paper
 ・Interview Test

Part Time Jobs

Part time jobs are available during school
Hourly wage ranges from 1,100~1,300 yen

While attending to classes at school, you can work up to 28 hours per week
You can earn up to 130,000 yen or more in one month
During summer break, winter break and spring break, you can work 40 hours per week
You can earn up to 170,000 yen or more in one month

Cost of living

You can allot the money earned from a part time job for your dormitory, education and living costs.

During schoolDuring breaks               Details
Income130,000 yen160,000 yenWhile having classes at school you can work up to 28 hours per week.
While on break (winter, summer, spring) up 40 hours per week.
Cost of  Living30,000 yen30,000 yenCalculated as 1,000 yen per day
Rent30,000 yen30,000 yenIn the case of a 1 person room
Utility Costs6,000 yen6,000 yenCost of electricity, gas and water bills
Cell Service3,500 yen3,500 yenRakuten Mobile
Balance60,500 yen90,500 yenYou can save this money for next year’s tuition fees
Paths after Graduating Japanese School

There are 3 paths after graduating Japanese school

1.Vocational Schools (IT, business, hotel, cooking, etc.)
2.Grad school, college, junior college
3.Find a job
You can earn a work visa if you graduated a college/university or junior college in another country

*For high school graduates
 If you graduate a Japanese University, Junior college,
 or Vocational School after finishing Japanese school,
 you can earn a work visa

Keys to success in Japanese School

It is important to have the following 3 things in order to be successful in study abroad in Japan

 1. Interest in Japan and its language
 2. Being diligent about school work
 3. JLPT being N5 level and being able to make it N4 after coming to Japan


If you have any questions about studying in Japan, please contact us using this form.