



旅行を楽しまれていたのか、私たちのサービスはどうだったのか心配していましたが、旅行会社の方を通じて、”Great driver who helped a lot. Shopping again with so many people was an adventure!”とメッセージをいただき、とてもうれしかったです。


We guided customers from America on a tour of Kyoto and Osaka.

When we were discussing with the travel agency, we were concerned about the different specifications of wheelchairs and the physical condition of the customer compared to Japan, but in the end, it was all needless worry.

The customer was very active, and along with two of their close friends, they fully enjoyed Kyoto on the first day, visiting Arashiyama, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Sanjusangendo, and Yasaka Shrine.
On the second day, despite the short stay due to rain, they enjoyed “The Osaka” by visiting Osaka Castle and Dotonbori, and experiencing takoyaki, the Glico sign, and shopping.

I was worried about whether they enjoyed the trip and our service, but I was very pleased to receive a message through the travel agency saying, “Great driver who helped a lot. Shopping again with so many people was an adventure!”

Hatch Care Taxi is also available for guiding foreign guests.
For more details, please see here 👉 https://hatch-ed.jp/caretaxi/